Gianna Beretta Molla made a heroic choice, but it was something her
family members and friends testified she prepared for every day of
her life. Her heroic virtue, genuine holiness of life, selflessness,
and quiet joy remind all of us that God entrusts us with a personal
vocation. Each and every day presents us with choices that have the
power to prepare us to take heroic action whenever it will be called
for. We can do that, however, only if we surrender ourselves and what
we desire to God and His will for us.
" Dr. Molla threw light on the importance of the Christian family,
by her life and conscious sacrifice. She threw light on the importance
of Christian schools and Catholic Action, in the formation of the
human being in Christian values and it gives us guiding principles,
to which the Christian subordinates his own life, as Dr. Beretta
Molla knowingly did. The heroism of her Christian life will bear
This example of lay sanctity, lived in the Sacrament of Matrimony,
as the Vatican Council II teaches, will encourage many Christians
to seek God in holy Matrimony. The exemplary fame of Christian conduct,
lived by Gianna Beretta Molla is valid proof.